Tuesday, June 26, 2012


You know, I have been trying to figure out what the point of this blog actually is. It started as a way for me to get back into writing, at least doing a little bit of it every day, and I am terrible at keeping my interest in things for a very long time so I am surprised I am still sitting here in the mornings, spewing out whatever comes to my head to just about no one. But now it kind of morphed into this goulash of random crap that I am involved in. Than I realized... this blog is about the hundreds of projects I have to constantly create for myself to stay creative and busy. Be it a board game design, board games themselves, writing or reading, and now, taking pictures.


Overwhelming myself?

Not sure, but I do know that I am an artist in the very least. I need to make, to build, to give life to. It absolutely doesn't matter what it is. I work with paper mache, oil paints, random crap I find and try to figure what can be done with it. Who knows if the world will ever really see what I come up with, but it sure feels good doing it. It's kind of like I'm a "Jack of All Arts". Can do a lot of things, just isn't very good at any of them. Now now, I'm not feeling sorry for myself, don't get me wrong. It's ok, I am aware of the cynicism in my voice sometimes and I apologize.

Anyway, here are some photographs I thought I might share. Bought a decent little Nikon Coolpix s50 about five years ago. Stopped using it for a long time and now I am starting to at least have it in my car as much as possible.Been trying to snap a few shots here and there if I see 'em.

I've always really enjoyed the setting of dusk and having the colors in the sky as a backdrop to the filled in, black trees and plantlife.

Off my front yard.

From my back yard.

Out of my car window while sitting, waiting to go to work.

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